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Energy Calculator (English)
[ Скачать с сервера (12.64 Mb) ] 28.07.2014, 16:31

Dear colleagues! This simple program was developed in order to help people to calculate the structure of energy use in their home or office. Using scientific terminology, this program provides a means of energy self-audit. In order to use it, all you have to do is download, choose where to unpack it on your computer. Windows SmartScreen may warn you about potential harm to your computer. This is due to the fact that the program is new and hasn't been used before, and it's safe to ignore.

After that, record what electical appliances you have used and for how long, for about a week. For appliances such as dishwashers or washing machines all you have to do is write down how many times you have used them. At the end of this experiment, enter this data into the program and it will calculate how much energy was used (approximately) and which of the appliances used the most of it. Any feedback is welcome at ratner.p.d@gmail.com. This will help us to improve the program and to further develop similar tools. 

Категория: Научные проекты | Добавил: lanarat
Просмотров: 402 | Загрузок: 55
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