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В категории материалов: 24
Показано материалов: 11-20
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Off-grid renewable energy as a chance for sustainable development in the South of Russia
English | Просмотров: 437 | Загрузок: 86 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 30.08.2013

This is our last lecture in LTU spring semester 2012/2013. Thank you all for participation in my class.
English | Просмотров: 490 | Загрузок: 112 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 18.03.2013

Presentation of lecture N.4 for LTU students. On the last slide you can find a new homework.
English | Просмотров: 489 | Загрузок: 128 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 13.03.2013

This is a presentation of 3rd lecture for LTU students.
English | Просмотров: 496 | Загрузок: 136 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 09.03.2013

Second lecture for LTU students. 
Attention!!! The task for home work is at the last slide of the presentation
English | Просмотров: 438 | Загрузок: 138 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 04.03.2013

Reading Matherials for LTU students
English | Просмотров: 476 | Загрузок: 183 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 01.03.2013

First lecture on Project Management for LTU students
English | Просмотров: 457 | Загрузок: 132 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 01.03.2013

Ratner S.V., Michaylov V.O. Simulation of the Development of Energy Companies in the Situation Of Technological Gap// Large-Scale Systems Control, Vol.37, 2012, PP.180-207

The abstract of this article with pictures is available in English. The article itself available only in Russian. If you need this information in English, please contact me via email.

English | Просмотров: 388 | Загрузок: 133 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 07.08.2012

Ratner S.V., Akinina M.M. A New Method of Evaluation The Innovation Potential Of Regional Oil&Gas Companies of the cluster // Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice, #4, 2011, PP.2-10

The abstract of this article is available in English. The article itself available only in Russian. If you need this information in English, please contact me via email.

English | Просмотров: 375 | Загрузок: 135 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 30.07.2012

Ratner S.V., Akinina M.M. Selection of parameters of optimal management impacts on regional oil and gas cluster, based on simulation // Regional Economy: Theory and Practice, #20, 2011, PP.2-11

The abstract of this article with pictures is available in English. The article itself available only in Russian. If you need this information in English, please contact me via email. 
English | Просмотров: 384 | Загрузок: 123 | Добавил: lanarat | Дата: 30.07.2012

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